The OISTE Foundation opposes the sale of the .org domain to a private equity fund

Civil society’s online home

The Anti-Illicit Trade Declaration
Calling on the International Community to address all Forms of Illicit Trade



Representatives from OISTE Foundation ,Sucafina, PMI International, WISeKey SA and Zermatt Summit Foundation during the signing ceremony of anti-illicit trade declaration.

Anti-Illicit Trade Declaration Signed Zermatt

OISTE foundation allows users to control their digital identities. Subject to well-understood and secure algorithms that ensure the continued validity of an identity and its claims, the user is the ultimate authority on their identity.
The Trust protocol Association, an independent not-for-profit membership organization launched in Geneva, Switzerland

The purpose of the Trust Protocol Association is to establish a new Trust Protocol for the Internet combining traditional Cryptographic Trust Models with distributed blockchain ledgers creating a new Global Trust platform. The mission of the Association is to create an ecosystem of governmental, technology and business partners, each representing a node with the possibility to have multiple nodes per country.


Great insights from the World Policy Conference event on world governance models that allows us to reflect how to improve the system by which the current and future utilization of innovation and technology are coordinated so it respect human values and needs. As we had the opportunity to cover on the transhumancode book we need to ensure that we are building a better future for humanity with the help of magnificent technology and not instead building a better future of better technology at the expense of humanity. Getting right the technology governance will be a major step to define the world governance in the 4th industrial revolution.


Carlos Creus Moreira, Founder and CEO of WISeKey, says: “Actors of the WWW have been inefficient in building a digital identity: the web is blind. Traceability of products can not be established if you don’t have a web identity.” Today during his panel at the world policy summit, Carlos Moreira presented a Global technology response to fight illicit trade as economic leakages from illicit trade create an annual drain on the global economy of $2.2 trillion – nearly 3% of the world’s economy. From smuggling, counterfeiting and tax evasion, to the trafficking of humans and wildlife, illicit trade holds back progress, increases costs and pushes the goals further away. Today, illicit trade has become a major contributor to discrepancies in wealth between the developing and developed world, while fueling devastating conflicts and undermining the legitimacy of countries. In fact, counterfeiting is the conduit that supports destabilizing and dangerous activities in nearly every sphere.


OISTE Foundation supports several causes around the world. Here are some examples:

Eucharistein association

We are proud at the OISTE foundation to support the Eucharistein association founded by this amazing person, father Nicolas Buttet. He was a predominant Swiss politician and lawyer that gave up verything material in life to focus on the essential. As he says on the Swiss TV interview he decided to change the world of materialism, of consumption of knowledge, of power to focus on the human, the nature, the creation and the direct contact with things that matter. #Inspirational

Video at:

Blockchain Center of Excellence

SUMMIT 2016ID2020: PwC supports efforts to
provide a digital identity for
everyone on the planet.

WISEKEY SA Increasing
Digital Connectivity to the Poor

Roundtable organised by OISTE and the WTPF
WSIS Forum 2017
E-commerce platforms

OISTE.ORG celebrates its 20th anniversary. The OISTE Foundation has been working with the UN and other governmental and non-governmental international organizations since 1998. Today, in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, target 16.9 – giving everyone a legal identity by 2030 – OISTE focuses on the challenge of harnessing digital identity for the global community.

OISTE holds special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN (ECOSOC) and is an accredited member of the Non-commercial Users Stakeholders Group (NCSG) of ICANN as part of the Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC) constituency.

Learn about our work

  • A landmark in human rights in the digital space: the EU General Data Protection Regulation – more information.
  • Become a protagonist of change: visit
  • Full text of the new European General Data Protection Regulation – more information.
  • 10 human rights priorities for the information and communications technology sector – more information.

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