
The OISTE Foundation has supported a few noble causes in different continents. The accent of the foundation’s philanthropy is on orphan children, vulnerable groups and faith-based organisations.

The following institutions have received some kind of material help from the foundation: The Eucharistein Association is a catholic fraternity composed of brothers and sisters consecrated in religious life by the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. The Eucharistein Fraternity’s primary goal is the Adoration of Jesus to the Blessed Sacrament. The fraternity offers the possibility to people marked by different hardships (drugs, depression, addictions) to live a process of personal reconstruction, by sharing a simple and fraternal lifestyle. Young people also join us for a sabbatical time of reflection, service and prayer. Each person is welcomed free of charge in our homes. The fraternity has three sites: Epinassey, Switzerland ; Château Rima and St-Jeoire in France.