

Carlos Moreira
Secretary General, International Secure Electronic Transactions Organisation, OISTE
Working as UN expert on IT, Carlos Moreira led the Trade Point Programme, an initiative launched by UNCTAD in 1992. Its main objective was to facilitate access for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to international markets using up-to-date technologies in electronic commerce. Through his role as an entrepreneur (he launched WISeKey in 1999), Mr Moreira continues to work on setting-up the ecosystems that create and guarantee trust on electronic transactions.


Bruno Masier

President, Steering Committee, World Trade Points Federation (WTPF)
Bruno Masier is President of the World Trade Point Federation, WTPF, a non-governmental organization based in Geneva, deriving from an innovative UNCTAD initiative. Through a network of over 100 Trade Points, the WTPF assists SMEs, small and medium enterprises, in more than 70 countries to trade internationally using electronic commerce technologies. Mr Bruno Masier holds a degree in International Trade.
 yol Yolanda Martínez Mancilla
Chief, Digital Government Unit, Ministry of Public Administration, Mexico
Graduate of the University of Guadalajara and master in management of science and public policy, by the Carnegie-Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, PA. Head of the unit of Digital Government in Mexico, which aims to implement, encourage and promote the use of the information technologies and communications in management processes.
Raúl Torres

Counsellor in the Development Division of the WTO
Counsellor in the Development Division of the WTO, working on issues concerning the international trade integration of small, vulnerable economies and landlocked developing countries, with a focus on the implementation of the SDG 8 and the post-2015 development agenda. He holds a degree in law from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas) and an LL.M. from Georgetown University.
Luca Castellani

Legal officer in the secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
He is the Secretary of the Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce) focusing on the promotion of the adoption and uniform interpretation of UNCITRAL texts relating to the sale of goods and electronic commerce. After graduating in law in the University of Torino, he received a doctoral degree in comparative law from the University of Trieste and a master in international law from New York University.
Pedro Fuentes

Chief Security Officer & Product Manager eSecurity
Senior specialist in information security and Public Key Infrastructures (PKI). Pedro joined WISeKey in 2009. Previously he worked in Siemens as responsible of the cybersecurity product line for southern Europe, managing key projects for national identity and leveraging eGovernance services by the integration of eSecurity techniques in business processes. Pedro Fuentes obtained a high degree in Computer Science by the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain.
 daniel Daniel Nieto Corredera
E-Services and E-Commerce Expert. Universal Postal Union (UPU)
Daniel provides leadership and coordination of the digital programme with responsibility for content, activity development and coordination related to cross-border data flows, e-commerce, e-payment mechanisms, digital services and investment. He underlines the importance of inclusion on the digital era (ICT for inclusion, financial inclusion). He also monitors the evolution of E-Government, E-Commerce, and E-Finance for the Postal sector.
 maria Maria Ceccarelli
Chief of the Trade Facilitation Section Economic Cooperation and Trade Division
She is responsible of a group of some 300 experts working on Trade Facilitation projects to produce Trade Facilitation Recommendations and electronic business standards susceptible to foster growth in international trade and related services. In her former position in the UNECE’s Transport Division, she provided training and advisory services to promote the development of border-crossing and transport facilitation.
Marilía Maciel

Digital Policy Senior Researcher at DiploFoundation
Formerly, researcher and coordinator of the Center for Technology and Society of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (CTS/FGV) in Rio de Janeiro. Councillor at ICANN´s Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) representing the Non-commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG). Marília is a former member of the Working Group on improvements to the Internet Governance Forum. She holds a Master’s degree in Latin American Integration from the Federal University of Santa Maria and a law degree from the Federal University of Pernambuco.

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