UNCTAD’s Illicit Trade Forum

UNCTAD hosted the Illicit Trade Forum in February 2020 which was open to Member States, stakeholders and UN/ECOSOC observatory members.

Sessions of the two-day event addressed:

  • Measuring illicit trade
  • The impacts of illicit trade on achieving the SDGs
  • The role of the private sector in combatting illicit trade
  • Illicit trade and illicit financial flows

OISTE Foundation objectives

  • Promote the Anti-Illicit Trade Declaration;
  • Strengthen the relationship with UNCTAD in the field of illicit trade and counterfeiting;
  • Lobbying with UNCTAD Member States and stakeholders;

OISTE Actions

  • Address concrete questions and topics as observer on the selected panels;
  • Intensifying its campaign and position as a Technology NGO in the field of digital identity for persons (Digital Human Rights) & objects (Internet of Things).
UNCTAD’s Illicit Trade Forum
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