
OISTE.ORG Foundation and WISe.ART Minted an NFT Created with AI at the ONUART #OneHumanity Event

October 11th, 2022 by

Geneva – Palais des Nations in Geneva, Room XX, the Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room – October 11, 2022 – WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey “) (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a leading global cybersecurity, Blockchain and IoT platform company, today announced that the OISTE.ORG Foundation and WISe.ART minted an NFT created with AI at the ONUART #OneHumanity event.
Video of the panel is available at:

“Today we created with #AI a piece of art at the @UNGeneva during the #GlobalDialogueAI event organized by #UNAOC & Foundation #Onuart. It used an AI algorithms to create an #NFT that was minted in the WISe.ART NFT platform. It was very symbolic act as the AI ART was done at the Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room, Room XX in the Palace of Nations world known due the ceiling sculpture by Spanish artist Miquel Barceló. The results of the art generated by AI is available at WISe.ART,” said Carlos Moreira, Founder and Secretary General of OISTE.ORG.

The NFT reflects a lyrical performance by the renowned Tenor Jonas Kaufmann recently appointed ambassador to the UN Alliance of Civilizations, starred in the One Humanity concert, accompanied by pianist Helmut Deutsch.

As part of the event the Foundation Onuart organized the first global dialogue on the relationship between Human Intelligence and AI for a better management of public affairs, paving the way for new initiatives in the private sector in favor of a positive global development driven by innovation and inclusiveness. AI in the service of humanity can drive diversity, respect, and progress for all through innovation. Moving forward under a strong public-private partnership is essential to this end. The meeting will serve to deepen, manifest, and visualize this partnership. Its mission is to enhance the value of art as a catalyst for dialogue. Through art, the Foundation stimulates debate at the highest level to inspire tolerance and understanding between Nations and cultures within all international organizations, seeking to achieve a more creative and less conventional approximation to each negotiation and each debate.

OISTE Foundation strives to influence the decision-making processes that shapes human rights to data privacy in the digital space. It develops new technologies under the foundation’s root of trust principles, giving the individual user control over their identity and personal data, in line with the human code of ethics regarding artificial intelligence. OISTE is engaged in the fight against illicit-trade and counterfeiting and raising awareness about the internet as a neutral, multi-stakeholder governed technology.

WISe.ART is working on cross-blockchain support, enabling a truly open data economy with the support of Ethereum, Polygon and CasperLabs and gradually add new chains so to ensure interoperability and scalability as part of WISeKey’s overall strategy to act as a leading platform of the Web3.0 revolution. It provides both a secure marketplace and platform where NFT buyers and sellers can easily connect their crypto wallets to instantly purchase or list their NFTs for sale. The NFT design of the WISe.Art platform ensures that besides an authenticated and signed version of the actual digital asset, an irreversible link to a physical object is set up, in addition to proof of ownership, provenance and a set of contracts describing future use and monetization streams, if relevant.

About WISeKey

WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY / SIX Swiss Exchange: WIHN) is a leading global cybersecurity platform company currently deploying large scale digital identity ecosystems for people and objects respecting the Human as the Fulcrum of the Internet. The WISeKey IoT technology stack includes a range of technologies such as Semiconductors, eIDs, Blockchain, NFTs, Post Quantum, Pico Satellites and Trust acting seamlessly as a platform which secures the simple connection of objects to the Internet to the most complex applications that use these connected objects, the data they gather and communicate and the different steps needed to power these applications.

The WISeKey Semiconductors Secures the pervasive computing shaping today’s Internet of Everything. WISeKey IoT has an installed base of over 1.5 billion microchips in virtually all IoT sectors (connected cars, smart cities, drones, agricultural sensors, anti-counterfeiting, NFTs, smart lighting, servers, computers, mobile phones, crypto tokens etc.)

Our technology is Trusted by the OISTE/WISeKey’s Swiss based cryptographic Root of Trust (“RoT”) provides secure authentication and identification, in both physical and virtual environments, for the Internet of Things. The WISeKey RoT serves as a common trust anchor to ensure the integrity of online transactions among objects and between objects and people. For more information, visit

Press and investor contacts:
WISeKey International Holding Ltd
Company Contact: Carlos Moreira
Chairman & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000
WISeKey Investor Relations (US)
Contact: Lena Cati
The Equity Group Inc.
Tel: +1 212 836-9611

This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning WISeKey International Holding Ltd and its business. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of WISeKey International Holding Ltd to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. WISeKey International Holding Ltd is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
This press release does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities, and it does not constitute an offering prospectus within the meaning of article 652a or article 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations or a listing prospectus within the meaning of the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange. Investors must rely on their own evaluation of WISeKey and its securities, including the merits and risks involved. Nothing contained herein is, or shall be relied on as, a promise or representation as to the future performance of WISeKey.

WISeKey and Foundation Presented AI and Digital Identity at the Global Dialog on the Interplay Between Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence

October 10th, 2022 by

Geneva October 10, 2022 – WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey “) (SIX: WIHN, NASDAQ: WKEY), a leading global cybersecurity, AI, Blockchain and IoT company and the foundation presented the subject of AI and Digital Identity at the Global Dialog on the interplay between Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the Fundación Onuart are co-organizing a high-level global dialogue on the interplay between Human Intelligence and A! for better public affairs management, to pave the way for new private sector initiatives that bolster positive global development driven by innovation and inclusiveness.

AI, in the service of humanity, can drive diversity, respect and progress for all through innovation. Moving forward under a strong public-private partnership is essential to this end. The Global Dialogue aims to further strengthen this cooperation.

The two-day event will be inaugurated by high-level keynote speakers, with participants from the public and private sector bringing forth their expertise in the field. Speakers will discuss and share with the audience how their organizations and companies approach AI and AI-enabled technologies and expound on their vision moving forward. 

Carlos Moreira, WISeKey’s Founder and CEO, during his presentation highlighted the need to use decentralized technologies related to Digital Identity and Blockchain which are in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals aiming on providing every person on the planet with a solid and tamper-proof digital identity based on common, interoperable standards by 2030.

A digital identity under the control of the person is a fundamental human right which is not currently protected neither understood. It is also an endangered right due the exponentiality of the technology. Current digital technologies track and scrutinize us by taking into consideration only our consumer identity and not our human identity. 

The digital economy considers every click, search or like as an asset to be monetized. Our lives, reflected in cyberspace, are plundered for behavioral data for the sake of a system that converts our freedom into profit. We are quietly being domesticated into accepting as normal that decision rights vanish before we even know that there is a decision to make. 

We, collectively as humans, have to decide if we are building a better future for humanity with the help of magnificent technology…or building a future of better technology at the expense of humanity.
We’ve been down this road before, and it didn’t turn out well. We collectively made the wrong decision—or, better said, we didn’t make the right decision fast enough. We didn’t put humanity first and instead got caught up in the promise of technology. 
“A new awareness infused by a human-rights based approach that consider each individual “netizen” as a dignified moral being, worth of respect, is required. Otherwise, our connectivity will continue to offer a perverse amalgam of empowerment inextricably layered with diminishment,” said Mr. Moreira.  

About WISeKey
WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY; SIX Swiss Exchange: WIHN) is a leading global cybersecurity company currently deploying large-scale digital identity ecosystems for people and objects using Blockchain, AI, and IoT respecting the Human as the Fulcrum of the Internet. WISeKey microprocessors secure the pervasive computing shaping today’s Internet of Everything. WISeKey IoT has an installed base of over 1.6 billion microchips in virtually all IoT sectors (connected cars, smart cities, drones, agricultural sensors, anti-counterfeiting, smart lighting, servers, computers, mobile phones, crypto tokens, etc.). WISeKey is uniquely positioned to be at the leading edge of IoT as our semiconductors produce a huge amount of Big Data that, when analyzed with Artificial Intelligence (AI), can help industrial applications predict the failure of their equipment before it happens.

Our technology is Trusted by the OISTE/WISeKey’s Swiss-based cryptographic Root of Trust (“RoT”) provides secure authentication and identification, in both physical and virtual environments, for the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence. The WISeKey RoT serves as a common trust anchor to ensure the integrity of online transactions among objects and between objects and people. For more information, visit

Press and investor contacts

Company Contact:
Carlos Moreira
Chairman & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000
WISeKey Investor Relations (US)
Lena Cati
The Equity Group Inc.
Tel: +1 212 836-9611

This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning WISeKey International Holding Ltd and its business. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or achievements of WISeKey International Holding Ltd to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. WISeKey International Holding Ltd is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
This press release does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities, and it does not constitute an offering prospectus within the meaning of article 652a or article 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations or a listing prospectus within the meaning of the listing rules of the SIX Swiss Exchange. Investors must rely on their own evaluation of WISeKey and its securities, including the merits and risks involved. Nothing contained herein is or shall be relied on as, a promise or representation as to the future performance of WISeKey.